Last week, I went on one of the most rewarding ski vacations with my family, family friends and best friend. It was a rewarding and exhilarating week full of skiing and snowboarding, socializing, après ski activities, food, tons of laughter and many lifetime memories were made.

Each day looked like the following:

  • I naturally woke up early (because my circadian rhythm is happily regulated), had my “me time” (so essential), which translates to a mix of the following: coffee, meditation, reading, gratitude journaling, setting my intentions for the day, doing some mobility work.
  • Chatted with the best friend and family over breakfast
  • Snowboarding/skiing in the morning with my ski buddies
  • Reconvening with the families for lunch
  • Back on the slopes in the afternoon
  • Hit the gym for an hour
  • Participated in après ski activities, dinner, etc.
  • Stayed up late with the best friend having heart-to-heart life chats

I am also participating in an accountability coaching group, where I set weekly commitments to level up my personal life, my business and my overall well-being. The “commitments” made are not viewed as goals that I strive for (that I may or may not complete), but rather as tasks set to be done. As my coach states, commitment = done. Do not commit unless you are 100% sure and driven that you can achieve them.

This particular (vacation) week, I set my normal weekly commitments (which subjectively, could be seen as overreaching and aggressive given that this was my vacation week), and I failed to complete: my commitment to read 50 pages of a book and my commitment to eat mindfully 6 days/week. Going into my weekly call, I was nervous and a bit disappointed with myself (even though I completed the other seven commitments on my list) and was ready to be held accountable and I was bracing myself for the hard questions – getting deep questions asked of why I didn’t complete it, what were my blocks, digging to see if there was underlying resistance, why were these commitments set in the first place, etc.  However, I was not held accountable as I was anticipating. While I was coming from a place of disappointment, my accountability coach came from a place compassion and her feedback was: you’re on vacation, let yourself be on vacation; taking a break is not a loss; deliberate and purposeful disengagement is essential; schedule a break (since I schedule everything!); it is okay to let go of your structure – do you not trust yourself?


Why didn’t I read 50 pages of my book? Because I consciously chose to spend quality time with my friends and family instead of curling up on the couch to read. To me, that was more important than fulfilling this commitment. I chose people and connection over reading, and I felt good about that. Takeaway: I made the right choice, and I should have not committed to reading (perhaps that many pages) last week.

Why did I set that food intention of eating mindfully and intentionally 6 days/week (I did 3 days)? Because I wanted to be happy and not emotionally eating (which I tend to do) helps me be so. Takeaway: I need to trust myself more. My intention was driven by self worth, self-care and happiness. And you know what, I was happy that entire vacation. Perhaps, I did not need to make this commitment.


One of the reasons why I love this accountability program is that it not only motivates me to get things done and holds me accountable, but it provides great introspection (I am all about that) and continuously helps me grow.

I believe that life always provides us with themes and learning opportunities that requires us to step up – my lesson here: I need to ease up and trust myself more. Challenge accepted.

Are there areas in your life where you need to trust yourself more?